Never listen...
suddenly i'm famous
and people know my name

HELLO! AMANDA HERE:D I am really a childish person! :) turning 15 soon!

my heart has been captured
by your funny little smile

i don't know for sure
where this is going

Shahira:D Lihua(: Jiahui(:

don't promise me forever
just love me day by day

Template: Elle (blog)
Inspiration: x-AnnaMay
Icons: the fading night
Lyrics: funny little world
Others: colour codes

(Wednesday 11 May 2011 / 02:07)

Note here.
Shut up first!
if u dun respect me. why must i f*cking respect u.
and pls dun flirt with me. i feel disgusting!
If u like me tell me. maybe i also leh? dun make me guess. no patient.
and if dun like me dun fool me around-.- ahole!
piss!piss!piss off!

ok. nothing la just piss. (:
becuz i have enough of boys acting they are the coolest but then close to u.
then when u thought he like u. then u fall for him but he say sorry , we r friend.
like wtf! if u wan be friend say at the bloody start la. they purposely wan leh!!
dun get it why this kind of guy even live!
okok chill! 
 haiz! know wat! from after exam. i want to take alot of pic of me and my bffs! cuz i want go shop print of then put inside photo ablum. then next time can take out and see and remember wat knid of stupid things we did:P  
nice idea right! (:
okok! it seem like going to rain?
haix having fever.
mom stand behind and ask me so hot never on fan. then i say i abit cold. she scold me crazy. then she touch my forehead and say aiyo u got fever leh. :(
byebye la . go study poa! after poa ! I AM FREE!!!!!!!!!!! 


u are a asshole!


(Monday 9 May 2011 / 23:08)

"I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love."  — Marilyn Monroe.

Yoyo~ hahahahhahahahaha!
let go is the best way to have a new life! letting go even its hard too.(:
i have(: i let it go and now i and have a new life without u(:
exam!exam!exam! life is so stress. everything is so rushing. but i dun like to rush.
i like to do things at my own speed. if u rush me i do slower(:
stop and see the world! rush for wat?
i swear my paper 1 math not more then 20 mark. or lesser. very hard leh!!!
okokokok bye!
tmr bio! need to study! 


never even say hi to me-.-


(Sunday 8 May 2011 / 00:17)

“Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over.”

Hey ppl! past few days, my mood is up and down:( (:
I swear i hate birds! asshole-.- i did nothing to u but u keep bully me!-.-
Haix! Sometimes me and sis can play like mad but sometime we are like enemies. 
HAHAHAHA! my mum say i very naughty and lazy nowadays. cuz i keep talking back to her. 
i told her not only her la. i did to my dad and sis also.:P hehehehe. why i now keep talking back.
simple reason, stop controlling me, i am who i am. dun try to change me. i am not their maid. not happy. angry. above are all the reason. (:
Happy Mother Day(: - thanks for being there when i need u. when everyone think i will fail but u never and keep on cheering me up(: if i have a choices to choose who my mum is, i will still choose u(: U are the best! :)
Life is boring-LIB.
Know wat, i watch anime max. i came across this two anime that i like but not sure of the name! but i love to watch ! funny. i remember one call fairy tail. other one too long. but is about high school(:  
Freaking bored....
change link again(:
 oH yA, i swear i can announce to the whole world i have give up on train(: moving on!! even the little like also dun have! gone! :) moving on~ i am looking for my nice train.


Jealous kills.


(Friday 6 May 2011 / 03:06)


(Sunday 1 May 2011 / 06:10)

Me and sister(:

Muahahaha! Now me and my sister relationship is better(:
Hahahahahaha! :D our relationship last time, very good . young time la. then when reach secondary school sometime ok but sometime not sure. but now hahaha! abit better :P 

Oh~~ ytd when out~ with sister , mum and dad.
then walk walk lor! eat ICE-CREAM!!

go study le!~ 

(Friday 29 April 2011 / 06:34)

Congrazt!  :) They married on 29/04/2011! they have been together for 8 years! Wow long hor!

This few days , thinks has run through my mind! 
I will prove u all wrong! I am not a loser! Freak u! if u say i am a loser!-.- AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I dunno la. when i watch royal wedding then i think if one day i was like kate? i will i meet a prince? LOL! okok crazy la! I am nuts la! :) byebyebyebyebyebye! I FAIL EL & CL FOR SURE! :) i am going to win the bet!


screw u


(Wednesday 27 April 2011 / 02:52)

One day, I want to open a candy shop! :) full of chocolate, candy!

i got take pic LOL! :( 
My grandma still can tell me it good luck! -.- i am freaking out! lucky my sister come home in time!
she help me go open my upper window then the bird fly away-.- Thanks sister(; she save my life! hahahaha! cuz i want study! :) ok then today was boring & tired. i slept at 1am last night wake up at 6am-.- watching tv! :) hahahahaha! ok then math , hack care do my chinese compo. then chemistry! Ok la. then recess sit with nadine:) then EL boring also! then CL-.- ok then SEL IS DOUBLE -.--.- Then SS ok la :) so today was BORING! TMR EXAM! ENGLISH! -.-
My mind now is all how can the bird fly in-.-


